
Leading Like Only You Can
with Kim Crabill
Do you know there's something so incredibly unique about you that will allow you to lead in a way that no one else can? It's true and God wants you to discover what He already knows about you!
Kim Crabill discovered her uniqueness and now has a ministry reaching into over 120 countries with the hope and healing of Christ. But before this could happen, Jesus had to reach her heart - the parts that were wounded, in need of His healing touch. God knew that her leadership style would be authenticity, but He also knew she first had to learn that it was safe to be authentic with Him. During her own healing process, she discovered her God-given uniqueness that would be the key to her effectiveness in reaching, teaching and helping in healing the hearts of many. Kim will share with you the visual tool God gave her, to discover your own uniqueness. She will share principles and a path you can follow to develop your unique leadership style, so that you, too, can influence others in a way that only you can.

Honorable Service
with BJ Arnett
How can we better serve others while leading?
Throughout my life and yours, we have seen, been a part of, or even received Honorable Service.
Discover how to navigate life with grace as the leader God made you to be. The way you present what you do, speaks volumes before you ever speak a word.

The Disappointed Leader
with Myshel Wilkins
The disappointed leader: The collection of unspoken and unresolved disappointments, always threaten to extinguish the fire-of-faith in a leader's heart. In this session, Myshel will expose the threats that stand against the fulfillment of our calling and purpose.

Create Your Own Career in Filmmaking
with Alexandra Boylan
Alexandra Boylan has created her own career, taking eight feature films from Conception to Completion, selling them all to major distribution companies, including Netflix, Universal Home Entertainment, Hulu, Amazon and Pure Flix.
Join Alexandra as she shares her journey producing and writing female driven faith based films where she will share her tips and tricks to writing a screenplay, to producing a project and all the secrets to securing distribution.

You, Too, Can Part the Red Sea:
Leadership Lessons from the Life of Moses.
with Lisa Burkhardt Worley
Do you have an impossible task ahead of you or are you in a work or ministry environment where you are encountering many road blocks? Moses may be an ancient patriarch but his leadership principles can still be effective today. Ministry Leader and Award-winning Author and Television Host Lisa Burkhardt Worley will share how, we as leaders, can learn from Moses, God’s choice to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

Repeat the ECHO!
Repeat the Echo- Woman to Woman, Life to Life
with Shelia Erwin
To know Him & To make Him known… Philippians 3:10
Women, in Titus 2:3-5, our instruction is clear. We are to teach the younger women what God has taught us. We are responsible for passing our faith on to the next generation.

7 Principles for Leaders:
How to Truly Let God Lead
with Venus Monique
Shouldn't we lean on the talent, wisdom, and decision-making skills God gave us as we pursue the call to lead others?
Why would He give us these gifts if we're supposed to 'let go and let God'?
These 7 leadership principles will lay out:
- how to let God steer the ship, even if you like control
- how to truly trust Him in difficult circumstances, and
- how to become a trusted, more effective leader
Workshop includes Q&A.

Hold on to Your Crown
with Jenny Muscatell
How do you find the strength to lead in the midst of difficult times? What do you do when you need to press forward despite the challenges. How can we remember to lean into God's strength and allow Him to propel us forward?
Let's talk about our relationship with Leadership and how that impacts the way we lead.
Let's dive into what the Bible says to encourage us through these seasons.

Lead like the Great Shepherd
with Carmen Pate
The Psalmist David was a great shepherd of the sheep, but he also knew the Great Shepherd as expressed in the 23rd Psalm. As leaders, we look to our Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ, to learn from Him and to lead His sheep as He calls us to do. What does that look like in the 21st century? How do we follow Christ’s example of leadership in our own areas of ministry? How do we become great shepherds of all those who have been placed under our care? Carmen will take us through the attributes
and actions of a great shepherd whom the sheep are overjoyed to follow.